Member Resources

Member Resources

If you are seeing this page, you have successfully registered. Now you can proceed to the Member Resources by selecting a link to the right.

Classified Advertisements are free for all categories except Real Estate and Job Postings. If you're really in a pinch for money and you need to advertise in those categories, please email and explain your situation - we're very supportive.

Business Listings start out as free, and the more you spend, the better the type of business listing you get. You can see our advertising rates here. If you have a business but you can't afford these prices, please contact us at - we'd rather have you listed for some lower price than not listed at all.

You must have a Business Listing to list events on our Event Calendar. The Event Calendar is for free events from businesses, non-profit events, and other events that have a good cause, in addition to any local government events such as those from the Town Hall. If you have an event that has a cover charge to attend, and you're not a non-profit or otherwise, then please contact to discuss whether we can list your event or not. There may be a fee involved if the event has a cover charge.

For all other inquiries, please contact